Taiwan Academy for Learning Disabilities (TALD)


    Background Back in 2003, several scholars who concerned the education and welfare of individuals with learning disabilities, gathered together in a Pay-Or-Present meeting (POP) in Puli, Nantou. We shared up-to-date research findings and working experience about LD from different disciplines in a casual way. We dreamed about founding a formal organization in a hope of providing researchers and professionals with a platform for cross-disciplinary cooperation on LD studies. TheTaiwan Academy for Learning Disabilities (TALD) was then founded on March 12, 2005. Professor S. C. Chiu Huang at National Koashiung Normal University was elected as the first President.

    On the founding day, we were honored to have Professor Barbara Bateman, who coined the term, learning disability, with Dr. Samuel Kirk in the ’60, to give us keynote speech in our first annual conference. The speech signaled the beginning of TALD. In addition, it signaled one of the TALD’s missions--bringing about international cooperation.


    TALD is now a non-profit membership organization comprised of researchers, medical doctors, and clinicians from diversified disciplines including education, psychology, neurology, linguistics, speech and hearing sciences, etc. Given the bio-psycho-social nature of learning disabilities, we believe that only through the interdisciplinary efforts, could the difficult questions concerning LD causation, identification, placement, intervention, and education/welfare policies be unraveled.

    TALD strives to bring together the Taiwanese professionals to achieve the mission. A variety of activities such as print and electronic publications, an annual conference, workshops, awards, and this Web site, is provided to spread cutting edge information, practical solutions, and research resources on learning disabilities to the Chinese community.

    TALD tries to be an active participant in the world’s LD research. If you are interested in the LD in Chinese community or have been conducting research on LD or delivering professional services to individuals with LD, you are welcome to visit our website, contact us, or join us.


Articles of Taiwan Academy for Learning Disabilities

Passed in the first member meeting of the first session on March 12, 2005

Approved for registration by Taiwan Ministry of the Interior   No. 0940017973 on May 9, 2005


Chapter 1

General Provisions


Article 1

The Mission of Taiwan Academy for Learning Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as TALD) is to promote the development of research, education and welfare for the people with  learning disabilities.


Article 2

The TALD is a non-profit social organization established according to law.


Article 3

The TALD is a national organization.


Article 4

The TALD locates at where the regulating authority is located, and  may establish branches with the approval of the regulating authority. The regulation of any branch shall be drawn up by the council of administrative committee, and be granted by the regulating authority for before operation. The address of  the TLAD and its branches shall be submitted to the regulating authority for approval. Any further change shall be following the same procedure


Article 5

The missions of the Academy are listed as follows:

1.       Promoting the research of learning disabilities.

2.       Promoting the development of curriculum and instruction for people with learning disabilities.

3.       Developing the technical aids for people with learning disabilities.

4.       Establishing diagnostic criteria for people with learning disabilities.

5.       Raising the public awareness of learning disabilities.

6.       Issuing the relevant information regarding learning disabilities.

7.       Assisting the advanced studies for people who are interested in  learning disabilities.

8.       Promoting the professionalization and the policy development for people with learning disabilities.

9.       Enhancing the communication and cooperation with people who are interested in learning disabilities.

10.    Strengthening the communication with domestic /foreign associations, agencies and groups with learning disabilities issues.

11.    Managing matters related to the purposes and missions specified in the Article of the TALD


Article 6

The Competent Authority of the Academy shall be the Ministry of Interior, and the Competent Authority of target businesses shall be the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health and Welfare depended on the purposes and missions specified in the Articles mainly. The target businesses of the Academy shall be directed and supervised by the regulating authorities of specific businesses.


Chapter 2



Article 7

The applicant qualifications for the membership of the Academy are listed as follows:

1.       Personal Member: A person who would be willing to  agree the purposes of the Academy, be twenty (20) years old or elder, own the experiences to research or service the learning disabilities and relevant specialties, and be introduced by two (2) or more members of the Academy  could be a personal membership of the Academy.

2.       Group Member: A public or private group which would be willing to  agree the purposes of the Academy, be established with the approval of the Government, and be introduced by two (2) or more members of the Academy could bee a group membership of the Academy.

3.       Sponsoring Member: A person or an institution that enthuse about the relevant topics on learning disabilities, agree the purposes of the Academy, be introduced by two (2) or more members of the Academy, and be approved by the board of directors could be  be the sponsoring member of Academy.

4.       Honorary Member: A person who has significantly contributed to the researches or promotions of learning disabilities, could be nominated by the board of directors and approved by a member meeting, then to  be chosen as  an honorary member of the Academy.

5.       Preparatory Member: A person who has no experience to research or service the learning disabilities and relevant specialties, would be willing to agree the purposes of the Academy, and be introduced by two (2) or more members of the Academy could  be a preparatory member of the Academy.

Except for the sponsoring and honorary members, the members shall fill the application forms during the application, and pay the admission fees and perennial membership dues in accordance with the Articles of Academy after the approval of the board of directors.


Article 8

All the members (member representatives) of the Academy have the right to vote, to elect, to be elected, and to recall. Each member (member representative) may? take one vote.

Each group member shall choose one (1) representative to execute the rights of member, and she/he shall be reported to the Competent Authority for reference. The sponsoring members, honorary members and preparatory members shall not have the rights.


Article 9

All the members (member representatives) have the obligations to follow the Articles of the Academy, to make resolutions and to pay the membership dues. A member who has not paid the membership dues shall not have the rights of member, and a member who has not paid the membership dues for two (2) consecutive years will be regarded as disaffiliating automatically. A disaffiliated, dismissed or suspended member (member representative) who wants to apply for rehabilitation or reinstatement shall not only pass the examination of the board of directors but also pay all unpaid membership dues.


Article 10

Where a member (member representative) of the Academy violates a law or the Article of the Academy or does not follow a resolution of the members (member representatives) meeting, she/he may be warned or suspended with a resolution of the members (member representatives) meeting. In case the violation causes serious damage to the Academy, she/he might may be dismissed with a resolution of the members (member representatives) meeting.


Article 11

A member (member representative) of the Academy shall be disaffiliated in case of she/he has been deprived of his/her membership or dismissed with a resolution of the members (member representatives) meeting.


Article 12

A member might  claim the disaffiliation of the Academy by providing the reason to the Academy in writing.


Chapter 3

Organization and Authority


Article 13

The member meeting of the Academy shall be the body with supreme authority of the Academy. In case the Academy has three hundred (300) or more members (member representatives), the organizational area may be subdivided to elect representatives according to the percentage of members (member representatives) and to convene a representative meeting to perform the duty of the member meeting. The terms of member representatives is three (3) years, and the quota and election regulations shall be drawn up by the board of directors and submitted to the Competent Authority for approval and reference before they are put into practice.


Article 14

The authorities of the member meeting are listed as follows:

1.       Drawing up and revise the Articles.

2.       Elect and recall directors and supervisors.

3.       Resolving the amount and type of admission fee, perennial membership dues and funds for public undertakings.

4.       Resolving annual working plans, reports, budgets and final accounts.

5.       Resolving the dismissals of members (member representatives).

6.       Resolving the disposal of properties.

7.       Resolving the disbanding? disincorporation of the Academy.

8.       Resolving other important matters related to the rights and obligations of the members/

The important matters stated in the provision 8 shall be specified by the board of directors.


Article 15

The Academy sets fifteen (15) directors and five (5) supervisors who shall be elected from the members (member representatives) to establish the board of directors and the board of supervisors, respectively. The three (3) alternate directors and one (1) alternate supervisor may be elected depended on the result of ballot counting at the same time. The vacancies of directors and supervisors shall be filled by the alternate directors or alternate supervisors in order, respectively.

The board of directors in the session might may propose the reference candidates of directors and supervisors in next session.


Article 16

The authorities of the board of directors are listed as follows:

1.       Examining and approve the qualifications of members (member representatives).

2.       Electing and recall the executive directors and the chairperson of the board of directors.

3.       Resolving the resignations of directors, executive directors and the chairperson of the board of directors.

4.       Hiring and dismiss personnel.

5.       Compiling the annual working plans, reports, budgets and final accounts.

6.       Executing other matters which might  be handled.


Article 17

The board of directors sets five (5) executive directors who shall be elected from the directors. The directors shall elect one (1) of the executive directors to be the chairperson of the board of directors.

The chairperson of board of directors manages and supervises all the affairs of the Academy, represents the Academy externally, and served as the chairperson of member meetings and the meetings of board of directors. In case the chairperson may not practice the responsibility, she/he shall designate one (1) of the executive directors to represent her/him, or one (1) of the executive directors shall be chosen by themselves to represent the chairperson without the designation. In case of any vacancy of the chairperson or executive directors, the by-election shall be performed within one (1) month.


Article 18

The authorities of the board of supervisors are listed as follows:

1.       Supervising the working implement of the board of directors.

2.       Auditing the annual accounts.

3.       Electing and recalling the executive supervisors.

4.       Resolving the resignations of supervisors and executive supervisors.

5.       Supervising other related matters.


Article 19

The board of supervisors sets one (1) executive supervisor who shall be elected from the supervisors to supervise the regular affairs of the Academy, to convene and to serve as the chairperson of the meetings of board of supervisors.

In case the executive supervisor may not practice the responsibility, she/he shall designate one (1) of the supervisors to represent her/him, or one (1) of the supervisors shall be chosen by themselves to represent the executive supervisor without the designation. In case of any vacancy of the executive supervisor, the by-election shall be performed within one (1) month.


Article 20

The directors and supervisors of the Academy all are positions of no pay. The terms of directors and supervisors are  three (3) years. The chairperson of the board of directors might  be reappointed only once.


Article 21

A director or supervisor of the Academy who meets any of the following conditions shall be relieved from the position immediately, and the vacancy shall be filled by the alternate directors or alternate supervisors in order by:

1.      Depriving of membership (qualification of member representative).

2.   Resigning due to certain reasons and approved by the board of directors or the board of supervisors.

3.       Recalling or dismissing.

4.       Suspending from the rights for a term of longer than a half of the tenure.

Article 22

The Academy may set one (1) Secretary-general who is authorized by the chairperson to manage  the affairs of the Academy, and a number of personnel. The candidates shall be hired or dismissed after the nomination of the chairperson and the approval of the board of directors. The hired or dismissed Secretary-general and personnel shall be submitted to the Competent Authority for approval and reference. These personnel shall not be served by the elected personnel. The authorities and responsibilities of these personnel shall be specified by the board of directors, separately.

Article 23

The Academy may establish various  types of commission, group or other internal branches  and which  the regulations of which shall be drawn up by the board of directors, separately.

Article 24

The Academy may engage one (1) honorary chairperson, and a number of honorary directors and consultants by the board of directors, and the terms of them shall be the same as those of the directors and superiors in the session.


Chapter 4



Article 25

The member (member representative) meetings of the Academy are divided into two types: periodical meetings and temporary meetings, and both shall be convened by the chairperson of the board of directors. Except for temporary meetings for emergency, the Academy shall give notice to the members (member representatives) fifteen (15) days in advance. Regular meetings shall be convened once a year and temporary meetings might  be convened by the board of supervisors with written notification when the board of directors considers necessary or more than one fifth of the members (member representatives) raise the requests to do so. After the Academy completes the registration of juristic person, temporary member (member representative) meetings shall be convened when more than one tenth of members (member representatives) raise the requests to do so.


Article 26

The member (member representative) of the Academy who cannot attend a member (member representative) meeting may entrust in writing another member (member representative) to represent her/him. Each member (member representative) may represent only one other.


Article 27

A resolution of the member (member representative) meeting requires the attendances of more than one half of the members (member representatives) and the consents of more than one half or a larger proportion of the attendees. However, the formulation and amendment of the constitution, dismissal of a member (member representative), recall of a director or supervisor, disposal of properties, disincorporation of the Academy and other important matters related to the rights and obligations of the members shall resolved only with the consents of not less than two-thirds of the attendees. After the Academy completes the registration of juristic person, the formulation and amendment of the constitution shall require the consents of not less than three-fourths of the attendees or the written consents of not less than two-thirds of all members, and the disincorporation of the Academy shall require the consents of not less than two-thirds of all members.


Article 28

The board of directors and the board of supervisors shall convene a meeting every six (6) months, and the joint meetings of directors and supervisors and temporary meetings may be convened if necessary. Except for the temporary meetings, the written notification of these meetings, except for the temporary meetings, shall be completed seven (7) days before the meetings. A resolution of these meetings needs the attendances of more than one half of the directors or the supervisors and the consents of more than one half of the attendees.


Article 29

The directors and supervisors shall personally attend the bord meetings of the  directors and the board meetings of the supervisors, respectively. . Any entrusted attendee shall not be allowed. Absence without due reason for two (2) consecutive times of the directors and supervisors will be regarded as one’s resignation.


Chapter 5

Funds and Accounting


Article 30

The financial sources of the Academy are as follows:

1.       Admission fee: 1,000 NTD per personal member, 6,000 NTD per group member, and 500 NTD per preparatory member which shall be paid when the affiliation is issued.

2.       Perennial membership dues: 1,000 NTD per personal member, 6,000 NTD per group member, and 1,000 NTD per preparatory member.

3.       Funds for public undertakings.

4.       Donations from the members.

5.       Entrusted incomes.

6.       Fund and its interests.

7.       Other incomes.


Article 31

The fiscal year of the Academy shall be subject to the calendar year since January 1 to December 31.


Article 32

Within the two (2) months before the beginning of a fiscal year, the annual working plan, revenue/expenditure budget  and employee welfare reports shall be complied by the board of directors and submitted to the member meeting for approval. (In case the member meeting might  not be convened as scheduled, these documents shall be submitted to the joint meeting of directors and supervisors for approval.) Before the beginning of a fiscal year, then submitted to the Competent Authority for approval and reference before the beginning of a fiscal year. Within the two (2) months after the end of a fiscal year, the annual working report, final revenue/expenditure accounts report, statement of incomes and expenditures in cash, balance statement, inventory and statement of incomes and expenditures in funds shall be compiled by the board of directors and submitted to the board of supervisors for approval, and then submitted to the member meeting for approval after the examination of recommend report of the board of supervisors has been submitted to the board of directors. Before the March in the fiscal year, these documents shall be submitted to the Competent Authority for approval and reference. (In case the member meeting might not be convened as scheduled, these documents shall be submitted to the Competent Authority first.)


Article 33

After disincorporation, all remaining property of the Academy shall be turned over to the local self-government group located where the Academy is located or the agency or group designated by the Competent Authority.


Chapter 6

Supplementary Provisions


Article 34

If there is any unaccomplished matter of these articles, it shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations.


Article 35

The articles are approved by the member (member representative) meeting and reported to the Competent Authority for approval and reference before they are put into practice, and shall do the same upon any amendment thereto.




Annual Conference




03, 12, 2005

Founding of TALD; Stories of LD: History and status quo

Puli Christian Hospital, Nantou 

03, 06, 2006

The future of LD: Identification and intervention

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung

03, 06, 2007

Examining dyslexia from a multi-cultural and multi-lingual viewpoint

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung

03, 01, 2008

Early identification and intervention of LD

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung

03, 14, 2009

Understanding Chinese dyslexia

National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei

03, 13, 2010

Legislation of Learning Disabilities in Taiwan

Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung

01, 16, 2011 

International Conference of Learning Disabilities in Chinese

National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei

03, 24, 2012

Learning Disabilities and Low-achieving Students

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung

03, 23, 2013

Identification of Learning Disabilities

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung

03, 22, 2014

Meeting the needs of elementary and secondary students struggling in mathematics: Strategy instruction and visual representations

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung

03, 08, 2015

Current Teacher-Training Developments for Special Educational Needs Coordinators(SENCOs) and Training for Special Dyslexia Teachers in the UK.

National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei

03, 19, 2016

Learning Disabilities on Math.

Puli Christian Hospital, Nantou

03, 25, 2017

The Identification of Learning Disabilities on the Post–Secondary Education.

National University of Tainan, Tainan

03, 11, 2018

The Transition Issues for the Students with Learning Disabilities.

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung


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