



梁世雄 教授專任教師

組  別:環境生物組
專  長:溪流魚類及無脊椎動物生態、外來種生態、陸域及水域生物指標、都市生態學、湧泉生態、生態系模式分析
分  機:7310
信  箱:shliang@mail.nknu.edu.tw

學校 系所 日期 教育程度 備註
美國愛荷華州立大學 動物生態學系 079年09月-084年12月 博士  
美國愛荷華州立大學 動物生態學系 076年08月-079年08月 碩士  
國立臺灣大學 動物學系 068年09月-072年06月 大學(學士)  
服務機關 職稱 日期 備註
國立高雄師範大學生科系 教授 097年02月-至今  
國立高雄師範大學生科系 副教授 091年08月-097年02月  
國立高雄師範大學 助理教授 086年08月-091年08月
2024 Liang, Shih-Hsiung., Jen, C. H., Lee, L. L., Chen, C. C. & Shieh, BS: Savanna Nightjars Caprimulgus affinis stictomus ) adjust calling height to gain amplitude advantage in urban environments, J. of Ornithology, accepted, 2024
2023 Shieh B-S, Shih-hsiung Liang, C-H J: Effect sizes of divergence in urban noise and song minimum frequency of grey-cheeked fulvettas (Alcippe morrisonia morrisonia), Journal of Avian Biology, 2023: e03182, 2023
2023 Chiu, Y.‐W.; Huang, D.‐J.; Shieh, B.‐S.; Gan, Y.‐C.; Chen, Y.‐C.; Jen, C.‐H.; Lee, L.‐L.; Liang, Shih‐Hsiung*.: Current Status and Conservation of Springs in Taiwan: Water Quality Assessment and Species Diversity of Aquatic Animals., Diversity, 2023, 15, 332. https://doi.org/10.3390/ d15030332., 2023
2022 Liao, L.-Y.; Cheng, H.-L.; Wang, S.-Y.; Liang, S.-H.; Huang, D.-J.: Xenoestrogen Status of Wuling Farm to Surrounding Water Bodies: An Application of Biochemical Parameters Using Onychostoma barbatulum. , J. Mar. Sci. Eng. , 2022, 10, 1492. https://doi.org/10.3390/ jmse10101492, 2022
2022 Liang, S.H., C.D. Tsai , Y.W. Chiu , C.W. Tso , Y.L. Huang and D.J. Huang *: Optimal time of year and fishing methods for controlling exotic fishes in Longluan Lake, Taiwan, Journal of Environmental Biology, 43:544-550, 2022
2022 Liang Shih-Hsiung, Lin-Lee Lee, Bao-Sen Shieh : Female preference for song frequency in the cicada Mogannia formosana Matsumura (Hemiptera: Cicadidae)., Behavioural Processes, 197: 104626., 2022
2021 Huang, Da-ji, Chia-Hung Jen, Yi-Chih Chen, Bao-Sen Shieh, Chien-Cheng Chen, Lin-Lee Lee, Shih-Hsiung Liang*: Fish Communities in Urban Ponds of southern Taiwan: Assessment for Conservation Potentials., Taiwania, 66(3): 337-344, 2021
2020 Shih-Hsiung Liang, Bruno Andreas Walther, Chia-Hung Jen, Chao-Chieh Chen, Yi-Chih Chen & Bao-Sen Shieh*: Acoustic preadaptation to transmit vocal individuality of savanna nightjars in noisy urban environments, Scientific Reports, (2020) 10:18159, 2020
2020 Shih-Hsiung Liang , Bruno Andreas Walther , Bao-Sen Shieh*: Determinants of establishment success: Comparing alien and native freshwater fishes in Taiwan, PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236427, 2020
2019 Duen-Wei Hsu; Tzu-I Wang; Da-Ji Huang; Yu-Jie Pao; Yuya A. Lin; Ting-Wen Cheng; Shih-Hsiung Liang; Chien-Yen Chen; Chih-Ming Kao; Yih-Terng Sheu; Chien-Cheng Chen*: Copper promotes E. coli laccase-mediated TNT biotransformation and alters the toxicity of TNT metabolites toward Tigriopus japonicus, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 173: 452-460., 2019
2017 Shieh Bao-Sen, Shih-Hsiung Liang, Chen-Yu Liao, and Yuh-Wen Chiu: Song frequency correlates with latitude and individual body size in the cicada Mogannia formosana Matsumura (Hemiptera: Cicadidae), Acta Ethologia, DOI 10.1007/s10211-017-0258-3, 2017
2017 Liang Shih-Hsiung Liang, Bruno Andreas Walther and Bao-Sen Shieh: Contrasting determinants for the introduction and establishment success of exotic birds in Taiwan using decision trees models, PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.3092, 2017
2017 Liang Shih-Hsiung, Duen-Wei Hsua, Chia-Ying Lina, Chih-Ming Kaob, Da-Ji Huangc, Chih- Ching Chiend, Ssu-Ching Chene, Isheng Jason Tsaif, Chien-Cheng Chena: Enhancement of microbial 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene transformation with increased toxicity by exogenous nutrient amendment, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 138: 39-46, 2017
2016 Kuan-chung Li1, Bao-sen Shieh2, Yuh-wen Chiu3, Da-ji Huang4, and Shih-hsiung Liang1,*: Growth, Diet Composition and Reproductive Biology of the Invasive Freshwater Fish Chevron snakehead Channa striata on a Subtropical Island, Zoological Studies, 55: 53 (2016), 2016
2016 Shieh Bao-Sen, Shih-Hsiung Liang, Yuh-Wen Chiu & Szu-Ying Lin: Interspecific comparison of traffic noise effects on dove coo transmission in urban environments, Scientific Reports, 6:32519 | DOI: 10.1038/srep32519, 2016
2016 3. Chen P-S, Chen Y-S, Lin H-H, Liu P-J, Ni. W-F, Hsueh P-T, Liang Shih-hsiung, Chialin Chen6, Ya-Lei Chen: Airborne Transmission of Melioidosis to Humans from Environmental Aerosols Contaminated with B. pseudomallei., PloS Negl Trop Dis, 9(6): e0003834. doi:10.1371/journal. pntd.0003834, 2016
2016 Shieh, Bao-sen,Chung-jian Lin, Shih-hsiung Liang*: Breeding Biology of the Invasive Asian Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis) in Urban Parks of Kaohsiung City, Southern Taiwan, Taiwan Journal of Forest Science, 31: 61-68, 2016
2015 Wen X, X-Y Sui, Shih-Hisung Liang, Y-F Chen: Non-native freshwater fish species in China, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 25(4): 651-687, 2015
2014 Shieh, B-S, Shih-hsiung Liang, Y-W Chiu: Acoustic and temporal partitioning of Cicada assemblages in city and mountain environments, PLOS ONE, 10(1): e0116794. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0116794., 2014
2014 Chiu, Y-W, J-P Wu, T-C Hsieh, Shih-hsiung Liang, C-M Chen, and D-J Huang: Alternations of biochemical indicators in hepatopancreas of the golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, from paddy fields in Taiwan, Journal of Environmental Biology, 35:667-673, 2014
2013 Shieh, B-S, Shih-Hsiung Liang, H-W Yuan, and C-C Chen. : Experimental evidence that distinct song phrases in the Grey-cheeked Fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia permit species and local dialect recognition, IBIS, In Press, 2013
2012 Chiu, Y-W, C-W Tso , B-S Shieh , C-C Liu, Y-S Lin , Shih-Hsiung Liang *.: Evaluation of the predatory effect on fish community by an introduced fish, Culter alburnus, in a small stream of northern Taiwan., Zoological Studies, 51(8):1438-1445, 2012
2012 B-S Shieh Shih-Hsiung Liang & C-C Chen & H-H Loa & C-Y Liao: Acoustic adaptations to anthropogenic noise in the cicada Cryptotympana takasagona Kato (Hemiptera: Cicadidae), Acta ethologia , 15:33-38, 2012
2011 Liang Shih-Hsiung; Ssu-Ching Chen; Chien-Yen Chen; Chih-Ming Kao; Jing-Iong Yang; Bao-Sen Shieh; Jiun-Hong Chen; Chien-Cheng Chen: Cadmium-induced earthworm metallothionein-2 correlation to metal accumulation and counteracting oxidative stress, Pedobiologia, 54:333-340, 2011
2010 1. Kao C. M, Chen C. S, Tsa F. Y, Yang K. H, Chien C. C, Liang Shih-Hsiung, Yang C. A, Chen S. C.: Application of real-time PCR, DGGE fingerprinting, and culture-based method to evaluate the effectiveness of intrinsic bioremediation on the control of petroleum-hydrocarbon plume, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 178: 409 – 416., 2010
2010 Liang, Shih-Hsiung, W-Y Lin, Y-C Lin, Y-C Chen, B-S Shieh: Variation in pit size of Cueta sauteri (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) larvae in response to past pit building experience and food limitation., Zoological Studies , 49(1): 102-107, 2010
2009 3. Liang, Shih-hsiung, M-H Chen, C-C Chen, C-S Chen, J-H Chen, S-C Chen.: Impact of cadmium on the bacterial communities in the gut of Metaphire posthuma, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 172: 1212 – 1217, 2009
2009 5. Liang, Shih-hsiung, Y-U. Jeng, Y-W. Chiu, J-H. Chen, B-S. Shieh, C-Y. Chen, C-C. Chen: Cloning, expression, and characterization of Cadmium-induced metallothionein-2 from the earthworms Metaphire posthuma and Polytheretima elongate., Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C , 149(3): 349-357, 2009
2008 6. Liang, Shih-hsiung, B-S. Shieh, and M-S. Huang.: Male dimorphism in three sympatric species of Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), Zoological Science, 25: 793-798, 2008
2008 7. Chuang, L-C, B-S. Shieh, C-C. Liu, Y-S. Lin, and Shih-hsiung Liang*: Effect of typhoon disturbance on the abundance of two mid-water fish species in a mountain stream of northern Taiwan., Zoological Studies , 47(5): 564-573, 2008
2008 8. Chen, C-S., Y-C. Hseu, Shih-hsiung Liang, C-Y. Kao, and S-C, Chen: Assessment of genotoxicity of Methyl-tert-butyl ether, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene to human lymphocytes using Comet Assay., Journal of Hazardous Materials , 153: 351-356, 2008
2008 9. Chye, S-M., Y-C. Hsen, Shih-Hsiung Liang , C-H. Chen, S-C. Chen: Single strand DNA breaks in human lymphocytes exposed to para-Phenylenediamine and Its derivatives, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology , 80: 58-62, 2008
2006 Y-C, Su., M-L. Wu, and Shih-hsiung Liang: Two discomycetes (Hyaloscyphaceae, Lachnum) new to Taiwan., Fungal Science, 47-52, 2006
2006 Chen, S-C., S-C. Lin, Shih-hsiung Liang, and J-Y. Chuang.: Detection of gentoxicity of benzidine and its derivatives with the Escherichia coli DJ 702 LacZ reversion mutagenicity assay., Letters in Applied Microbiology, 22-26(SCI), 2006
2006 Shih-hisung Liang, C-C. Chuang, M-H. Chang: Pet trades as sources of fish invasion in Taiwan., Taiwania, 2006
2006 Chuang, L-C., Shih-hsiung Liang*, and Y-S. Lin.: Ecomorphological comparison and habitat preference of two Cyprinid fishes, Varicorhinus barbatulus and Candidia barbatus, in the Hapen creek of northern Taiwan., Zoological Studies, 2006
2005 Shih-hsiung Liang, H-P, Wu, and B-S Shieh: Size structure, reproductive phenology, and sex ratio of an exotic armored catfish (Liposarcus multiradiatus) in the Kao-ping River of southern Taiwan., Zoological studies, 252- 259. (SCI), 2005
2005 陳姿今、謝寶森、梁世雄*: 高雄市都會區公園木本植群特徵與鳥類群聚相關性之研究, 植物保護會刊植物保護會刊(國科會優良期刊), 229-240, 2005
2005 Guh, Y-R., W-C, Zhao, Shih-hsiung Liang, and C-L, Shieh.: Relationship between riparian vegetation and the flood frequency., International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Science, 29-38, 2005
2005 陳益志、楊樹森、梁世雄: 沖繩小灰蝶生活史之介紹, 自然保育季刊, 56-60, 2005
2004 L-C. Chuang, Shih-hsiung Liang*, and Y-S. Lin.: Habitat use of two benthic fishes, Crossostoma lacustre and Rhinogobius candiduanus, in the Hapen creek of northern Taiwan., Taiwania, 166-174, 2004
2003 吳筱萍、梁世雄、謝寶森: 外來魚種 - 琵琶鼠魚, 自然保育季刊, 71-75, 2003
2002 Shih-hsiung Liang, B-S. Shieh. and Y-S. Fu.: A structural equation model on physio-chemical variables of water, benthic invertebrates, and feeding activity fo waterbirds in Syhtsau wetlands of southern Taiwan., Zoological studies, 441-451, 2002
2002 梁世雄、葉明龍: 氣候與修剪對高雄市菩提扁粉蝨族群變動之影響, 植物保護學會會刊, 115-124, 2002
2002 謝寶森、梁世雄、邱士純: 彌猴之吃土行為, 自然保育季刊, 41-44, 2002
2002 黃明樹、 謝寶森、梁世雄: 黑推糞金龜(Paragymnopleurus sinuatus Oliver), 自然保育季刊, 27-29, 2002
2002 黃明樹、 謝寶森、 梁世雄: 壽山地區三種閻魔金龜的介紹, 自然保育季刊, 23-26, 2002
2002 梁世雄: 高屏溪河口人工復育紅樹林底泥動物組成與有機物含量之初探, 生物科學, 57-65, 2002
2002 梁世雄: 溪流粗塊有機物收支, 生物科學, 21-28, 2002

