



陳亞雷 教授專任教師

組  別:生物生醫組
專  長:醫事檢驗師, 生物資訊、分子免疫機制與動物疫苗開發
分  機:7315
信  箱:dan1001@mail.nknu.edu.tw

學校 系所 日期 教育程度 備註
國立陽明醫學院 微生物及免疫學研究所 078年09月-083年06月 博士  
國立陽明醫學院 微生物及免疫學研究所 076年09月-078年06月 碩士  
私立東吳大學 微生物學系 073年09月-076年06月 大學(學士)  
私立元培醫事技術專科學校 醫事檢驗科 065年09月-070年06月 五專  
服務機關 職稱 日期 備註
國立高雄師範大學理學院生科系 教授 102年01月-至今  
國立高雄師範大學生科系 教授 096年02月-102年01月  
國立高雄師範大學 副教授 094年08月-096年02月  
私立輔英技術學院 副教授 092年07月-094年08月  
私立輔英技術學院 助理教授 089年02月-092年07月  
國立中山大學 博士後研究 087年08月-089年02月
2021 Yang, Z. H., Chen, Y. L., Verpoort, F., Dong, C. D., Chen, C. W., & Kao, C. M. (2021). Application of in situ chemical oxidation to remediate sulfolane-contaminated groundwater: batch and pilot-scale studies. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 223, 136-145.
2021 Huang, W. C., Wong, M. Y., Wang, S. H., Hashimoto, M., Lin, M. H., Lee, M. F., ... & Teng, C. H. (2021). The Ferric Citrate Uptake System Encoded in a Novel blaCTX–M–3-and blaTEM–1-Harboring Conjugative Plasmid Contributes to the Virulence of Escherichia coli. Frontiers in microbiology, 12, 1226.
2020 Huang, W. C., Hashimoto, M., Shih, Y. L., Wu, C. C., Lee, M. F., Chen, Y. L., ... & Teng, C. H. (2020). Peptidoglycan Endopeptidase Spr of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Contributes to Kidney Infections and Competitive Fitness During Bladder Colonization. Frontiers in microbiology, 11, 3234.
2019 Chen YL., Hsu DW, Hsueh PT, Chen JA, Shih PJ, Lee S, Lin HH, Chen YS: Distinct Pathogenic Patterns of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates selected from Caenorhabditis elegans and Dictyostellium discoideum models, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, doi:10.4269/ajtmh. 19-0052, 2019
2018 Pei-Tan Hsueh, Hsi-Hsun Lin, Chiu-Lin Liu, Wei-Fen Ni, Ya-Lei Chen, Yao-Shen Chen: Burkholderia pseudomallei-loaded cells act as a Trojan horse to invade the brain during endotoxemia, Scientific Reports, 8(1):13632, 2018
2018 陳亞雷: Hsueh PT, Wang HH, Liu CL, Ni WF, Chen YL, Liu JK.: Expression of cerebral serotonin related to anxiety-like behaviors in C57BL/6 offspring induced by repeated subcutaneous prenatal exposure to low-dose lipopolysaccharide., Plos one, 12(6):e0179970, 2018
2018 陳亞雷: Hsueh PT, Lin HH, Wang HH, Liu CL, Ni WF, Liu JK, Chang HH, Sun DS, Chen YS, Chen YL.: Immune imbalance of global gene expression, and cytokine, chemokine and selectin levels in the brains of offspring with social deficits via maternal immune activation., Genes, Brain and Behavior, 15:e12479, 2018
2018 Pei-Tan Hsueh, Wei-Tien Huang, Hsu-Kai Hsueh, Ya-Lei Chen,* Yao-Shen Chen: Transmission Modes of Melioidosis in Taiwan, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, doi:10.3390/tropicalmed3010026, 2018
2017 陳亞雷: Hsueh PT, Wang HH, Liu CL, Ni WF, Chen YL, Liu JK.: Expression of cerebral serotonin related to anxiety-like behaviors in C57BL/6 offspring induced by repeated subcutaneous prenatal exposure to low-dose lipopolysaccharide., Plos one, 12(6):e0179970, 2017
2016 Hsueh PT, Liu CL, Wang HH, Ni WF, Chen YL*, Liu JK.: A comparison of the immunological potency of Burkholderia lipopolysaccharides in endotoxemic BALB/c mice., Microbiology and Immunology, 60(11):725-739, 2016
2016 Lin HH, Chen YS, Hsiao HW, Hsueh PT, Ni WF, Chen YL*: Two Genome Sequences of Klebsiella pneumoniae Strains with Sequence Type 23 and Capsular Serotype K1., Genome Announcements, 4(5). pii: e01097-16, 2016
2016 Chen YS, Lin HH, Hsueh PT, Ni WF, Liu PJ, Chen PS, Chang HH, Sun DS, Chen YL*: Involvement of L-selectin expression in Burkholderia pseudomallei-infected monocytes invading the brain during murine melioidosis., Virulence, 19:1-16., 2016
2016 陳亞雷: Wang H, Chen YL, Teng SH, Xu ZP, Xu YC, Hsueh PR.: Evaluation of the Bruker Biotyper Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry System for Identification of Clinical and Environmental Isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei., Front Microbiol, 7:415., 2016
2015 陳亞雷: Hsueh PT, Liu JK, Chen YL, Liu PJ, Ni WF, Chen YS, Wu KM, Lin HH.: Genomic Sequence of Burkholderia multivorans NKI379, a Soil Bacterium That Inhibits the Growth of Burkholderia pseudomallei., Genome Announc, 3(6). pii: e01294-15, 2015
2015 陳亞雷: Chen YL, Chen YS, Hung YC, Liu PJ, Tasi HY, Ni WF, Hseuh PT, Lin HH.: Improvement in T helper 1-related immune responses in BALB/c mice immunized with an HIV-1 gag plasmid combined with a chimeric plasmid encoding interleukin-18 and flagellin., Microbiology and Immunology, 59(8):483-94, 2015
2015 陳亞雷: Chen PS, Chen YS, Lin HH, Liu PJ, Ni WF, Hsueh PT, Liang SH, Chen C, Chen YL.: Airborne Transmission of Melioidosis to Humans from Environmental Aerosols Contaminated with B. pseudomallei., PLos Tropic Neglected Disease, 9(6):e0003834., 2015
2015 陳亞雷: Chen YS, Lin HH, Hsueh PT, Liu PJ, Ni WF, Chung WC, Lin CP, Chen YL.: Whole-Genome Sequence of an Epidemic Strain of Burkholderia pseudomallei vgh07 in Taiwan., Genome Announcements, 3(2). pii: e00345-15., 2015
2015 Hsueh PT, Chen YS, Lin HH, Liu PJ, Ni WF, Liu MC, Chen YL*: Comparison of Whole-Genome Sequences from Two Colony Morphovars of Burkholderia pseudomallei., Genome Announcements, 15;3(5). pii: e01194-15, 2015
2014 Chen YL, Yen YC, Yang CY, Lee MS, Ho CK, Mena KD, Wang PY, Chen PS.: The concentrations of ambient Burkholderia pseudomallei during typhoon season in endemic area of melioidosis in Taiwan., PLoS Neglected Tropic Disease, 29;8(5):e2877, 2014
2014 MU JJ, CHENG PY,CHEN YS,CHEN PS, CHEN YL* (陳亞雷): The occurrence of melioidosis is related to different climatic conditions in distinct topographical areas of Taiwan, Epidemiology and Infection, 142(2):415-23, 2014
2014 2. Chen YS, Shieh WJ, Goldsmith CS, Metcalfe MG, Greer PW, Zaki SR, Chang HH, Chan H, Chen YL: Alteration of the Phenotypic and Pathogenic Patterns of Burkholderia pseudomallei that Persist in a Soil Environment., American Journal of Tropic Medicine and Hygiene, 90(3):469-79, 2014
2013 Liu PJ, Chen YS, Lin HH, Ni WF, Hsieh TH, Chen HT, Chen YL* (陳亞雷): Induction of Mouse Melioidosis with Meningitis by CD11b+ Phagocytic Cells Harboring Intracellular B. pseudomallei as A Trojan Horse, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7:e2363, 2013
2013 Chen YL (陳亞雷), Lin YC, Chen YS, Chen SC , Liu YM, Tseng IL, Chiang CS, Lin HH, Mu JJ: Characterization of predominately molecular patterns of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Taiwan, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 107(3):165-9, 2013
2012 Dai D, Chen YS, Chen PS, Chen YL.: Case cluster shifting and contaminant source as determinants of melioidosis in Taiwan., Tropical medicine and internatinal health, 17(8):1005-1013, 2012
2012 Ya-Lei Chen, Yao-Shen Chen, Shu-Ru Lin, Hsin-Ying Tsai, Hong-Yi Liu, Hao Chan, Yao-Hsuan Tseng, Der-Shan Suc, Hsin-Hou Chag: Visible light-responsive photocatalyst Pt-TiO2 on the elimination of soil-borne pathogens, PLosONe, 7:e31212, 2012
2011 Lin HH, Chen YS, Hsieh TH, Liu PJ, Tsai HY, Liu HY, Hsu CF, Chen YL*: Use of 3-hydroxy fatty acid concentrations in a murine air pouch infection model as a surrogate marker for LPS activity: A feasibility study using environmental Burkholderia cenocepacia isolates, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 87:368-374, 2011
2011 Hsi-Hsun Lin, Yao-Shen Chen, Yu-Cheng Li, I-Ling Tseng, Tzung-Han Hsieh, Leh-Miauh Buu,Ya-Lei Chen (陳亞雷)*: Burkholderia multivorans acts as an antagonist against the growth of Burkholderia pseudomallei in soil, Microbiology and Immunology, 55: 599-608, 2011
2010 Chen YS, Lin HH, Mu JJ, Chiang CS, Chen CH, Buu LM, Lin Y, Chen YL.* : Distribution of melioidosis cases and viable Burkholderia pseudomallei in soil: Evidence for emerging melioidosis in Taiwan., J Clin Microbiol, 48: 1432-1434., 2010
2009 Chen YS, Lin HH, Hung CC, Mu JJ, Hsiao YS, Chen YL.* : Phenotypic characteristics and pathogenic ability across distinct morpho-types of Burkholderia pseudomallei DT., Microbiol. Immunol., 53:184-189, 2009
2009 Chen YS, Lin HH, Wu CH, Hsiao YS, Hsu NS, Chen YL.*: Colonization of a Medical Center in Southern Taiwan by Epidemic Strains of Carbapenem- and Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and the Genetic Organization of Their Integrons. , Jpn J Infect Dis., 62:155-157, 2009
2008 5. Hseu YC, Chen SC, Chen YL, Chen JY, Lee ML, Lu FJ, Wu FY, Lai JS, Yang HL: Humic acid induced genotoxicity in human peripheral blood lymphocytes using comet and sister chromatid exchange assay, J Hazard Mater, 153:784-791, 2008

