



謝建元 教授專任教師

組  別:植物暨微生物組
專  長:生物技術(發酵工程), 化學工程, 生物農藥, 生物農藥、生化與發酵工程、生技產品開發
分  機:7317
信  箱:mch@mail.nknu.edu.tw

學校 系所 日期 教育程度 備註
美國密蘇里大學 農業工程學系 080年08月-083年08月 博士  
美國密蘇里大學 化學工程學系 078年01月-080年08月 碩士  
私立東海大學 化學工程學系 071年10月-075年06月 大學(學士)  
服務機關 職稱 日期 備註
國立高雄師範大學理學院生科系 教授 102年01月-至今  
國立高雄師範大學生科系 教授 095年08月-102年01月  
國立虎尾科技大學 教授 094年08月-095年08月  
大葉大學 教授 093年08月-094年08月  
大葉大學 副教授 088年02月-093年08月  
東方技術學院 副教授 086年09月-088年02月  
臺南縣私立莒光高級工商職校 教師 075年08月-078年01月
2020 Chienyan Hsieh. (2020). The treasure of mud volcanoes. in Biofertilizers and Biopesticides (B&B) for Sustainable Agriculture No. 9.
2020 Chienyan Hsieh*, Hui-Liang Wang. (2020).Eco-friendly biological pesticides-from the usage of a single pesticide to integrated pest management. 豐年 Harvest.
2020 Wu, L. H., Wang, Y. T., Hsieh, F. C., & Hsieh, C. (2020). Insecticidal Activity of Photorhabdus luminescens 0805-P2R Against Plutella xylostella. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 191(1), 191-200.
2016 Chun-Yen Chen, Jesisca, Chienyan Hsieh, Duu-Jong Lee, Chien-Hsiang Chang, Jo-Shu Chang: Production, extraction and stabilization of lutein from microalga Chlorella sorokiniana MB-1., Bioresource Technology, 200: 500-505., 2016
2013 Yu-Tzu Chang, Chienyan Hsieh, Li-Ching Wu, Hebron C. Chang, Suey-Sheng Kao, Menghsiao Meng *, Feng-Chia Hsieh *: Purification and properties of an insecticidal metalloprotease produced by Photorhabdus luminescens strain 0805-P5G, the entomopathogenic nematode symbiont., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 卷:14起迄頁:308-321, 2013
2012 Hui-Chen Lo, Chienyan Hsieh, Fang-Yi Lin and Tai-Hao Hsu: A Systematic Review of the Mysterious Caterpillar Fungus Ophiocordyceps sinensis in DongChongXiaCao and Related Bioactive Ingredients., Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine., 2012
2012 Chih-Jiun Lin and Chienyan Hsieh.: Using Grey Relational Analysis and Expert System Theory to Construct the Alcoholic Beverage Favors Consulting System., International Journal of Kansei Information., 卷 : 3期 : 3起迄頁: 161-166, 2012
2012 Chih-Jiun Lin and Chienyan Hsieh: A Study of Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Grey Relational Grade in Wine Evaluation., Journal of Grey System., 卷 : 15期 : 3起迄頁: 119-126, 2012
2011 Jing-Iong Yang, Lei-Chin Chen, Yuan-Yuan Shih, Chienyan Hsieh, Chien-Yen Chen, Wen-Ming Chen, and Chien-Cheng Chen.: Cloning and characterization of β-agarase AgaYT from Flammeovirga yaeyamensis strain YT., Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering., 卷 : 112期 : 3起迄頁: 225-232, 2011
2011 Chienyan Hsieh*, Hui-Liang Wang, Yu-Chi Chen, Wan-Jung Kao.: Enhanced the Polysaccharide Production of Cordyceps sinensis by using aeration strategy in fermentor., Kaohsiung Normal University Journal., 卷 : 30起迄頁: 1-14, 2011
2009 Shin-Wei Wang, Chien-Yen Chen, Joseph T. Tseng, Shih-Hsiung Liang, Ssu-Ching Chen, Chienyan Hsieh, Yen-hsu Chen, and Chien-Cheng Chen* : Orf4 of the Bacillus cereus sigB gene cluster encodes a general stress-inducible Dps-like bacterioferritin. , J. Bacteriol.., 191(14): 4522-4533(SCI), 2009
2008 Ing-Lung Shih,Chia-Yu Ku,: Use of Surface Response Methodology to Optimize Culture conditions for Iturin A Production by Bacillus subtilis in Solid State Fermentation, Journal of The Chin. I. Ch.E., doi:10.1016/j.jcice.2008., 2008
2008 Ing-Lung Shih, Jin-Yee Yu: Production and characterization of curdlan by Agrobacterium sp., Biochemical Engineering Journal, doi:10.1016/j.bej.2008.08, 2008
2008 Chienyan Hsieh*, Hui-Liang Wang, Chien-Cheng Chen,: Effect of Plant Oil and Surfactant on the Production of Mycelial Biomass and Polysaccharides in submerged culture of Grifola frondosa., Biochemical Engineering Journal., 38(2):198-205, 2008
2008 Ing-Lung Shih, Bi-Wen Chou , Chien-Cheng Chen, Jan: Study of mycelial growth and bioactive polysaccharide production in Batch and Fed-batch culture of Grifola frondosa., Bioresource Technology, 99(4):785-793, 2008
2007 Ing-Lung Shih, Bi-Wen Chou , Chien-Cheng Chen, Jane-Yii Wu, Chienyan Hsieh: Study of mycelial growth and bioactive polysaccharide production in Batch and Fed-batch culture of Grifola frondosa., Bioresource Technology (SCI), 2007
2007 謝建元*、王惠亮、高穗生、謝奉家: 固態發酵在生物農藥之應用與開發, 生物科技產學論壇, 9:30-35, 2007
2007 Ing-Lung Shih, Kun-Lin Tsai, Chienyan Hsieh*: Effects of culture conditions on the mycelial growth and bioactive metabolites production in submerged culture of Cordyceps militaris., Biochemical Engineering Journal., 33(3):193-201, 2007
2007 Ming-Shen Lin, Yi-Hsiang Hsieh, Suey-Sheng Kao and: Medium Optimization for Mycelium Production of Nomuraea rileyi Using Response Surface Methodology., Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science , 41(6):444-450., 2007
2006 Chih-Jiun Lin, Der-Ming Chang, Chienyan Hsieh, Bing-Jen Lee: A Study of the Relationship among Composition, Sensory Evaluation and Consumer Behavior in Chinese Spirits., Journal of Humanities and Social Science., 2006
2006 Chienyan Hsieh*, Chia-Jang Liu, Mei-Hua Tseng, Cha: Effect of olive oil on the Production of Mycelial Biomass and Polysaccharides of Grifola frondosa under High Oxygen Concentration Aeration. , Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 39(3): 434-439, 2006
2006 Chienyan Hsieh*, Mei-Hua Tseng, and Chia-Jang Liu : Polysaccharides production of Ganoderma lucidum (CCRC 36041) under nutrients limiting., Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 38(1):109-117, 2006
2006 Ing-Lung Shih, Kelly Pan, Chienyan Hsieh*: Influence of nutritional components and oxygen supply on the mycelial growth and bioactive metabolites production in submerged culture of Antrodia cinnamomea, Process Biochemistry, 41(5):1129-1135, 2006
2006 Chih-Jiun Lin, Chienyan Hsieh, Der-Ming Chang, Chi: A Study of Consumers’ Preferences under the Different Composition of Red Wine., Journal of Science and Engineering Technology, 2(2):55-64, 2006
2006 Chih-Jiun Lin, Der-Ming Chang, Chienyan Hsieh, Bin: A Study of the Relationship among Composition, Sensory Evaluation and Consumer Behavior in Chinese Spirits., Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(2):25-35, 2006
2005 Chienyan Hsieh*, Tai-Hao Hsu and Fan-Chiang Yang.: Production of polysaccharides of Ganoderma lucidum (CCRC36021) by reusing thin stillage., Process Biochemistry, 2005
2005 Chienyan Hsieh*, Ming-Jin Tsai, Tai-Hao Hsu, Der-Ming Chang, and Chaur-Tsuen Lo.: Medium Optimization for Polysaccharide Production of Cordyceps sinensis. Applied, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2005
2005 Chienyan Hsieh*, Tai-Hao Hsu and Fan-Chiang Yang: Production of polysaccharides of Ganoderma lucidum (CCRC36021) by reusing thin stillage, Process Biochemistry, 40(2):909-916, 2005
2005 San-Lan Wang, Yen, Yue-Horng, Kao-Chan Tzeng, and : Production of antifungal materials by bioconversion of shellfish chitin waste fermented by Pseudomouas fluorescens K-188., Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 36(1): 49-56, 2005
2005 Chienyan Hsieh*, Ming-Jin Tsai, Tai-Hao Hsu, Der-M: Medium Optimization for Polysaccharide Production of Cordyceps sinensis., Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 120(2):145-157., 2005
2005 Ing-Lung Shih, Yun-Ti Yu, Chwen-Jen Shieh ,Chienya: Selective Production and Characterization of Levan by Bacillus subtilis (natto) Takahashi. , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53(21): 8211-8215, 2005
2005 Chun-Kuei Chang, Chienyan Hsieh*, Shiow-Fu Cheu: Evaluation on the Methods of Pesticide Residue Reductionfor Leafy Vegetables., Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science, 43(1):46-55, 2005
2005 羅朝村、謝建元: 菌海戰術--有益木黴菌的應用, 科學發展, 391:34-39., 2005
2004 方冬聖、謝建元、徐泰浩: 台灣發酵產業現況與發展分析研究, 化工技術(Chemical Technology), 2004
2004 Chienyan Hsieh* and Fan-Chiang Yang: Reusing the Soy Residue for the Solid-state Fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum., Bioresource Technology , 91(1):105-109, 2004
2004 方冬聖、謝建元、徐泰浩: 台灣發酵產業現況與發展分析研究., 化工技術, 131:195-206., 2004
2004 Chienyan Hsieh*, Yi-Hsiang Hsieh, Chaur-Tsuen Lo, : Optimal production of mycelia of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae by using the waste of soy water., Journal of Southern Taiwan University of Technology, 29:113-126, 2004
2003 Fan-Chiang Yang, Chienyan Hsieh, Han-Ming Chen.: Use of stillage grain from a rice-spirit distillery in the solid state fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum., Process Biochemistry, 2003
2003 Fan-Chiang Yang, Chienyan Hsieh, Han-Ming Chen: Use of stillage grain from a rice-spirit distillery in the solid state fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum, Process Biochemistry , 39(1):21-26., 2003
2002 Tai-Hao Hsu, Li-Hua Shiao, Chienyan Hsieh, Der-Ming Chang.: A comparison of the chemical composition and bioactive ingredients of the Chinese medicinal mushroom DongChongXiaCao, its counterfeit and mimic, and fermented mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis., Food Chemistry, 2002
2002 謝建元*、高穗生: 生物性農藥固態發酵量產開發, 化工技術(Chemical Technology, 2002
2002 Tai-Hao Hsu, Li-Hua Shiao, Chienyan Hsieh, Der-Min: A comparison of the chemical composition and bioactive ingredients of the Chinese medicinal mushroom DongChongXiaCao, its counterfeit and mimic, and fermented mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis. , Food Chemistry, 78:463-469, 2002
2002 謝建元*、高穗生: 生物性農藥固態發酵量產開發, 化工技術, 109:152-178, 2002


The treasure of mud volcanoes. in Biofertilizers and Biopesticides (B&B) for Sustainable Agriculture No. 9

