



田倩蓉 教授 兼系主任專任教師

組  別:環境生物組
最高學歷:University of Manchester 博士
專  長:環境微生物、生物復育、藻類生物指標、新興污染物監測、環境危害風險評估、生物毒性分析
分  機:7318
信  箱:cjtien@mail.nknu.edu.tw

學校 系所 日期 教育程度 備註
University of Manchester Environmental Biology 084年09月-088年06月 博士  
服務機關 職稱 日期 備註
國立高雄師範大學理學院生科系 教授 102年03月-至今  
國立高雄師範大學生科系 副教授 096年08月-102年02月  
2021 Ching-Chang Lee, Colin S. Chen, Zi-Xuan Wang, Chien-Jung Tien* (2021). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in 30 river ecosystems, Taiwan: Sources, and ecological and human health risks. Science of The Total Environment, 795(15), 148867.
2020 Colin S. Chen, Chien-Jung Tien* (2020). Factors affecting in situ analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated soils by using a mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Chemosphere, 261, 127751.
2020 Chien-Jung Tien, Zi-Xuan Wang, Colin S. Chen* (2020). Microplastics in water, sediment and fish from the Fengshan River system: Relationship to aquatic factors and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by fish. Environmental Pollution, 265, Part B, 114962. 
2020 Ching-Chang Lee, Chia-Yi Hsieh, Colin S. Chen, Chien-Jung Tien* (2020). Emergent contaminants in sediments and fishes from the Tamsui River (Taiwan): Their spatial-temporal distribution and risk to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Environmental Pollution, 258, 113733.
2018 C-J Chang, CS Chen, C-J Tien*, M-R Lu (2018) Epidemiological, clinical and climatic characteristics of dengue fever in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan with implication for prevention and control. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190637.
2017 C.-J. Tien, H.-J. Huang, and C. S. Chen* (2017). Accessing the carbofuran degradation ability of cultures from natural river biofilms in different environments. Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2017, 45 (5), 1600380, 1-10. 
2015 C. S. Chen, T.-W. Wu, H.-L. Wang, S.-H. Wu, C.-J. Tien* (2015). The ability of immobilized bacterial consortia and strains from river biofilms to degrade the carbamate pesticide methomyl. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(9), 2857-2866.
2015 Chien-Jung Tien, Youn-Yuen Shu, Shih-Rong Ciou, Colin S. Chen* (2015). Partitioning of Aromatic Constituents into Water from Jet Fuels. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 69(2), 153-162. 
2015 Colin S. Chen, Youn-Yuen Shu, Suh-Huey Wu, Chien-Jung Tien* (2015). Assessing soil and groundwater contamination from biofuel spills. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 17(3), 533-542.
2015 Ching-Chang Lee, Ling-Ying Jiang, Yi-Ling Kuo, Chung-Yu Chen, Chia-Yi Hsieh, Chung-Feng Hung, Chien-Jung Tien* (2015). Characteristics of nonylphenol and bisphenol A accumulation by fish and implications for ecological and human health. Science of The Total Environment, 502, 417-425. 
2014 C. S. Chen*, C.-J. Tien, K.-V. Zhan (2014) Evaluation of intrinsic bioremediation of Methyl Tert-butyl Ether (MTBE) contaminated groundwater. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment, 19(5), 9-17.
2013 Chien-Jung Tien, Mon-Chu Lin, Wan-Hsin Chiu, Colin S. Chen* (2013). Biodegradation of carbamate pesticides by natural river biofilms in different seasons and their effects on biofilms community structure. Environmental Pollution, 179, 95-104. 
2013 Ching-Chang Lee, Ling-Ying Jiang, Yi-Ling Kuo, Chia-Yi Hsieh, Colin S. Chen, Chien-Jung Tien* (2013). The potential role of water quality parameters on occurrence of nonylphenol and bisphenol A and identification of their discharge sources in the river ecosystems. Chemosphere, 91, 904-911.
2013 Chien-Jung Tien, Colin S. Chen* (2013). Patterns of metal accumulation by natural river biofilms during their growth and seasonal succession. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 64, 605-616. 
2013 Chung-Yu Chen, Chien-Jung Tien, Yih-Min Sun, Chia-Yi Hsieh, Ching-Chang Lee* (2013). Influence of water quality parameters on occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ether in sediment and sediment to biota accumulation. Chemosphere, 90, 2420-2427. 
2012 Chien-Jung Tien, Colin S. Chen* (2012). Assessing the toxicity of organophosphorous pesticides to indigenous algae with implication for their ecotoxicological impact to aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 47(9), 901-912. 
2011 Chien-Jung Tien, Tzu-Liang Chuang, Colin S. Chen* (2011). The role of naturally occurring river biofilms on degradation of diazinon. Clean- Soil, Air, Water, 39(10), 931-938. 
2010 Chiou-Jong Chen, Yu-Tung Dai, Chien-Jung Tien, Yih-Min Sun, Yow-Jer Juang* (2010). Study on the Health Hazards of Cold Stress in the Workplace. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 18, 268-275.
2009 Chien-Jung Tien, Wen-Hua Wu, Tzu-Liang Chuang, Colin S. Chen* (2009). Development of river biofilms on artificial substrates and their potential for biomonitoring water quality. Chemosphere, 76, 1288-1295.
2009 Ching-Chang Lee, Yu-Fei Jhuang, Li-Lian Liu, Chia-Yi Hsieh, Colin S. Chen, Chien-Jung Tien* (2009). The major source and impact of phenyltin contamination on freshwater aquaculture clam Corbicula fluminea and wild golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata. Environmental Chemistry, 6, 341-349.
2008 Po-Chin Huang, Chien-Jung Tien, Yih-Min Sun, Cha-Yi Hsieh, Ching-Chang Lee* (2008). Occurrence of phthalates in sediment and biota: Relationship to aquatic factors and the biota-sediment accumulation factor. Chemosphere, 73, 539-544. 
2008 Colin S. Chen*, Yun-Wei Lai, Chien-Jung Tien (2008). Partitioning of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons into water from biodiesel fuel mixtures. Environmental Chemistry, 5, 435-444. 
2008 Colin S. Chen*, Yun-Wei Lai, Chien-Jung Tien (2008) Partitioning of aromatic and oxygenated constituents into water from regular and ethanol-blended gasolines. Environmental Pollution, 156, 988–996.
2006 C.-C. Lee, C.-Y. Hsieh, C.-J. Tien* (2006). Factors influencing organotin distribution in different marine environmental compartments, and their potential health risk. Chemosphere, 65, 547~559. 
2005 C.-C. Lee, T. Wang, C.-Y. Hsieh, C.-J. Tien* (2005). Organotin contamination in fishes with different living patterns and its implications for human health risk in Taiwan. Environmental Pollution, 137, 198-208.
2005 C.-J. Tien, D.C. Sigee, K.N. White* (2005). Characterisation of Surface Sugars on Algal Cells Using FITC-conjugated Lectins. Protoplasma, 225, 225-233. 
2005 C.-J. Tien*, D.C. Sigee, K.N. White (2005). Copper adsorption kinetics of cultured algal cells and freshwater phytoplankton with emphasis on cell surface characteristics. Journal of Applied Phycology, 17, 379-389. 
2004 C.-J. Tien* (2004). Some aspects of water quality in a polluted lowland river in relation to the intracellular chemical levels in planktonic and epilithic diatoms. Water research, 38, 1779-1790. 
2003 田倩蓉*、謝惠雯、楊若穎、張菊菁、張益雯、江耀冬,2003,二仁溪流域水質優養化現況調查, 華醫學報,第18 期,15~23。
2002 C.-J. Tien* (2002). Biosorption of metal ions by freshwater algae with different surface characteristics. Process Biochemistry, 38(4), 605-613.
2002 C.-J. Tien*, V. Krivtsov, E. Levado, D.C. Sigee, K.N. White (2002). Occurrence of cell-associated mucilage and soluble extracellular polysaccharides in Rostherne Mere and their possible significance. Hydrobiologia, 485(1-3), 245-252.
2002 田倩蓉*、許家華、劉嘉軒、陳定康,2002,自來水廠淨水作業處理能力之分析以及探討其配水管路對飲用水水質之影響,華醫學報,第16期,1~11。
2001 田倩蓉*、林佳輝、翁嘉成、郭淑娟、王士瑋、李忠諭、黃怡蕙,2001,裝配業之職業病探討及預防,華醫工安,第9期,5~9。
2001 吳炳志、蘇進強、許瑞珊、陳曉棻、龔秀姿、黃山峻、田倩蓉*,2001,半導體晶圓廠~蝕刻製程(ETCH)潛藏疾病之探討,華醫工安,第9期,19~23。
1999 V. Krivtsov*, C. Tien, D. Sigee, E. Bellinger (1999). X-ray microanalytical study of the protozoan Ceratium hirundinella from Rostherne Mere (Cheshire, UK): dyanmics of intracellular elemental concentrations, correlations and implications for overall ecosystem functioning. Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 49(4), 263-274. 



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