



陳玉琪 副教授專任教師

組  別:植物暨微生物組
專  長:植物分子生理、植物訊息傳導、植物組織培養及基因轉殖
分  機:7319
信  箱:ycc5417@mail.nknu.edu.tw

學校 系所 日期 教育程度 備註
國立臺灣大學 植物學系 088年09月-092年06月 博士  
服務機關 職稱 日期 備註
國立高雄師範大學理學院生科系 副教授 102年03月-至今  
國立高雄師範大學生科系 助理教授 102年01月-102年03月  
國立高雄師範大學生科系 助理教授 098年02月-102年01月


2009 Pearce G, Bhattacharya R, Chen YC, Barona G, Yamaguchi Y, Ryan CA: Isolation and Characterization of Hydroxyproline-rich Glycopeptide Signals in Black Nightshade Leaves, Plant Physiology, 150, (3) 1422-1433, 2009
2008 Yu-Chi Chen, William F. Siems, Gregory Pearce, Clarence A. Ryan : Six Peptide Wound Signals Derived from a Single Precursor Protein in Ipomoea batatas Leaves Activate the Expression of the Defense Gene Sporamin., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, (17) 11469-11476, 2008
2008 Yu-Chi Chen, Hsin-Hung Lin, Shih-Tong Jeng: Calcium influxes and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase activation mediate ethylene inducing ipomoelin gene expression in sweet potato, Plant, Cell and Environment, 31, 62-72, 2008
2008 陳玉琪: Peptide signals for plant defense display a more universal role., Plant Signaling and Behavior, 卷 : 3 期 : 12 起迄頁 : 1091-1092, 2008
2007 Gregory Pearce, William F. Siems, Ramcharan Bhattacharya, Yu-Chi Chen, Clarence A. Ryan: Three hydroxyproline-rich glycopeptides derived from a single petunia polyprotein precursor activate defensin I, a pathogen defense response gene, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, (24) 17777-17784, 2007
2005 Chen Y.-C., Chang H.-S., Lai H.-M., and *Jeng S.-T: Characterization of the wound-inducible protein ipomoelin from sweet potato, Plant, Cell and Environment, 28, 251-159, 2005
2004 陳玉琪: Using siRNA Technique to Generate Transgenic Animals with Spatiotemporal and Conditional Gene Knockdown., American Journal of Pathology, 卷 : 165 期 : 5 起迄頁 : 1535-1541, 2004
2003 陳玉琪: Expression of the ipomoelin gene from sweet potato is regulated by dephosphorylated proteins, calcium ion, and ethylene., Plant, Cell and Environment, 卷 : 26 起迄頁 : 1373-1383, 2003
2002 陳玉琪: Involvement of Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide in Expression of the Ipomoelin Gene from Sweet Potato, Plant Physiology, 卷 : 132 起迄頁 : 381-389, 2002
2002 陳玉琪: Cloning and expression of the Ipomoelin gene from sweet potato, Taiwania, 卷 : 47 起迄頁 : 24-30, 2002
2000 陳玉琪: Binding affinity of T7 RNA polymerase to its promoter in the supercoiled and linearized DNA templates, Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 卷 : 64 期 : 6 起迄頁 : 1126-1132, 2000
1999 陳玉琪: Sugar uptake by photomixo- trophic soybean suspension cultures, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., 卷 : 40 起迄頁 : 147-152, 1999

