



許惇偉 副教授專任教師

組  別:生物生醫組
專  長:生物醫學、細胞與分子病理、分子遺傳學
分  機:7314
信  箱:dwhsu@mail.nknu.edu.tw

學校 系所 日期 教育程度 備註
英國牛津大學 生物化學研究所 089年10月-093年12月 博士  
國立陽明大學 遺傳學研究所 084年08月-086年07月 碩士  
國立中興大學 農藝學系 080年10月-084年06月 大學(學士)  
服務機關 職稱 日期 備註
國立高雄師範大學理學院生科系 副教授 108年09月-至今  
國立高雄師範大學理學院生科系 助理教授 102年08月-108年08月  
2021 Huang LY, Hsu DW, Pears CJ: Methylation-directed acetylation of histone H3 regulates developmental sensitivity to histone deacetylase inhibition, Nucleic Acids Res., 49(7):3781-3795., 2021
2019 Chen YL*, Hsu DW*(Co-first authors), Hsueh PT, Chen JA, Shih PJ, Lee S, Lin HH, Chen YS.: Distinct Pathogenic Patterns of Burkholderia pseudomallei Isolates Selected from Caenorhabditis elegans and Dictyostelium discoideum Models., The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 101(4):736-745., 2019
2019 Liu JH, Yang JY, Hsu DW, Lai YH, Li YP, Tsai YR, Hou MH: Crystal Structure-Based Exploration of Arginine-Containing Peptide Binding in the ADP-Ribosyltransferase Domain of the Type III Effector XopAI Protein., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, pii: E5085., 2019
2019 Hsu DW, Wang TI, Huang DJ, Pao YJ, Lin YA, Cheng TW, Liang SH, Chen CY, Kao CM, Sheu YT, Chen CC.: Copper promotes E. coli laccase-mediated TNT biotransformation and alters T the toxicity of TNT metabolites toward Tigriopus japonicus., Ecotoxicity and Environmental Safety, 173:542-460., 2019
2018 Li Chang , Ho-Hsiung Chang , Jui-Che Chang, Hsiang-Chia Lu, Tan-Tung Wang, Duen-Wei Hsu, Yuh Tzean, An-Po Cheng, Yi-Shu Chiu, Hsin-Hung Yeh: Plant A20/AN1 protein serves as the important hub to mediate antiviral immunity, PLOS Pathogen, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1007288, 2018
2017 Liang SH, Hsu DW, Lin CY, Kao CM, Huang DJ, Chien CC, Chen SC, Tsai IJ, Chen CC: Enhancement of microbial 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene transformation with increased toxicity by exogenous nutrient amendment., Ecotoxicol Environ Safety, 138:39-46, 2017
2017 Alina Rakhimova, Seiji Ura, Duen-Wei Hsu, Hong-Yu Wang, Catherine J. Pears, and Nicholas D. Lakin: Site-specific ADP-ribosylation of histone H2B in response to DNA double strand breaks, Scientific Reports, 7: 43750., 2017
2015 Chen JC, Liu JH, Hsu DW, Shu JC, Chen CY, Chen CC.: Methylatable signaling helix coordinated inhibitory receiver domain in sensor kinase modulates environmental stress response in Bacillus cereus, PLoS ONE, 10(9):e0137952., 2015
2013 Couto, C. A, Hsu, D.-W., Teo, R., Rakhimova, A., Lempidaki, S., Pears, C. J., Lakin, N. D.: Nonhomologous end-joining promotes resistance to DNA damage in the absence of an ADP-ribosyltransferase that signals DNA single strand breaks., J. Cell Science, 卷:126 起迄頁:3452-3461, 2013
2012 Hsu, D.-W., Chubb, J. R., Muramoto, T., Pears, C. J. P., and Mahadevan, L. C.: Dynamic acetylation of lysine-4-trimethylated histone H3 and H3 variant biology in a simple multicellular eukaryote., Nucleic Acids Res., 卷:40 起迄頁:7247-7256, 2012
2011 Hsu, D.-W., Kiely, R., Couto, C. A.-M., Hudson, J. J. R., Borer, C., Wang, H. Y., Pears, C. J., and Lakin, N. D.: Double strand break repair pathway in Dictyostelium., J. Cell Sci., 卷:124 起迄頁:1655-1663, 2011
2010 Greene, D. M., Hsu, D.-W., and Pears, C. J.: Control of cyclin C levels during development of Dictyostelium., PLoS One, 卷:5 期:5起迄頁:e10543, 2010
2006 Hsu, D.-W., Gaudet, P., Hudson, J. J. R., Pears, C. J., and Lakin, N. D.: DNA damage signalling and repair in Dictyostelium discoideum., Cell Cycle, 卷:5 起迄頁:702-708, 2006
2005 Hudson, J. J. R., Hsu, D.-W., Guo, K., Zhukovskaya, N., Liu, P.-H., Williams, J. G., Pears, C. J., and Lakin, N. D: DNA-PKcs-dependent signaling of DNA damage in Dictyostelium discoideum., Curr. Biol., 卷:15 起迄頁:1880-1885, 2005
2004 Lin, S. H.-H., Khosla, M., Huang, H.-J., Hsu, D.-W., Michaelis, C., Weeks, G., and Pears, C.: A homologue of Cdk8 required for spore cell differentiation in Dictyostelium., Dev. Biol., 卷:271 起迄頁:49-58, 2004
2001 Chen, X., Wen, S., Fukuda, M. N., Gavva, N. R., Hsu, D.-w., Akama, T. O., Yang-Feng, T., and Shen, C.-K. J.: Human ITCH is a coregulator of the hematopoietic transcription factor NF-E2., Genomics, 卷:73 起迄頁:238-241, 2001
2000 Lin, M.-J., Lee, T.-L., Hsu, D.-W., and Shen, J. C.-K.: One-codon alternative splicing of the CpG MTase Dnmt1 transcript in mouse somatic cells., FEBS Lett., 卷:469 起迄頁:101-104, 2000
1999 Hsu, D.-W., Lin, M.-J., Lee, T.-L., Wen, S.-C., Chen, X., and Shen, J. C.-K.: Two major forms of DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase in human somatic tissues., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 卷:96 起迄頁:9751-9756, 1999

