學 期 |
場 次 |
日 期 |
發 表 人 |
發 表 題 目 |
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上 |
一 |
109.01.03 (五) |
何曉玟 |
高齡者阻力訓練實作模式建立與成效評估 |
簽到表 |
盧奕廷 |
On-court position and handedness in visual anticipation of stroke direction in tennis |
邱憶萱 |
Modulating postural control to facilitate visual performance |
李文宏 |
A Comparison Between Performance on Selected Directions of the Star Excursion Balance Test and the Y Balance Test |
李政昕 |
無規律運動中老年女性身體活動、靜態行為與認知功能之關聯 |
呂宜諠 |
客觀測量高齡者的身體活動和認知功能 |
下 |
一 |
109.05.22 (五) |
盧奕廷 |
假動作對新手和專業網球選手預期能力的影響 |
簽到表 |
邱億萱 |
單一循環核心穩定訓練對老年人超姿勢任務與功能性平衡能力之影響 |
二 |
109.06.12(五) |
李雙郡 |
劍道跨部地面反作用力分析研究 |
簽到表 |
張鈞翔 |
Barriers to and Facilitators of Sports Participation in People With Visual Impairments |
何曉玟 |
循環式油壓阻力訓練對於停經後老年婦幼功能性體適能之效益 |
蘇靖雯 |
Sedentary behavior and physical activity are independently related to functional fitness in older adults |
江少云 |
Weekday Physical Activity and Health-Related Fitness of Youths with Visual Impairments and Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Visual Impairments |
徐慈澤 |
Effects of aerobic, resistance and balance trains in adults with intellectual disabilities |
呂宜諠 |
Daily sedentary time and physical activity as assessed by accelerometry and their correlates in older adults |