場 次 |
日 期 |
發 表 人 |
發 表 題 目 |
一 |
112.05.17(三) |
張博威 |
Positive relations between vision and posture in the fixation task performed upright. |
余秉諴 |
棒球選手投球過程肩髖分離程度與球速之相關。 |
馮德宇 |
女子排球選手雙側膝關節力矩之比較。 |
李雅婷 |
Electromyography in the biomechanical analysis of human movement and its clinical application. |
吳嘉祐 |
羽球殺球起跳動作下肢肌群肌電活化之分析。 |
二 |
112.06.07(三) |
李珮蓁 |
Executive functions in children with dyslexia. |
呂亭宜 |
Levels and patterns of physical activity and sedentary behavior in adults with and without visual impairment. |
金珮瑜 |
Obesity, physical activity and sedentary behavior of youth with learning disability and ADHD. |
王湘婷 |
Correlation of motor abilities and executive functions in children with ADHD. |
張佳雯 |
不同型態身體活動介入對國小學童認知功能與動作技巧之研究。 |
林蓮因 |
不同背負方式與重量對於動態平衡之影響。 |
黃繼柔 |
探討單次介入筋膜加壓帶於大學排球運動選手上肢動態平衡與肌肉活化程度之影響。 |
高瑞駿 |
比較開球揮桿教學順序對木球初學者學習表現之影響。 |
黃欣尉 |
Eye movements affect postural control in young and older females. |
廖炳煌 |
Risk factors for lateral ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability. |
劉雙菱 |
優秀女子排球選手不同訓練階段肌力表現之評估。 |
林炫伯 |
Impact of mentoring on socio-emotional and mental health outcomes of youth with learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. |
李思瑩 |
Development of physical fitness in children with intellectual disabilities. |